CUMBRIA Police has hosted a Road Safety Awareness Session. 

The Rural Crime Teah held the session in Carlisle this week.

A spokesperson said: "On Tuesday we attended the third Road Safety Awareness Session, this time hosted by Carlisle East Fire Station with over 40 members from Northern District Cumbria Young Farmers.

"The session was delivered by watch manager Dean Readman and included a VR headset interactive session, which everyone agreed was very realistic. These headsets were secured by Safer Streets funding Cumbria police and crime commissioner.

"Blue Watch also showed the Young Farmers around the appliances and explained and demoed some of the equipment.

"It was a really interesting night, informing people of the dangers of the fatal 5- driving whilst tired, driving whilst unfit due to drinking or drugs, using a mobile phone, excess speed, and not wearing a seatbelt... all avoidable.

"We are committed to keeping the people of Cumbria safe, and this includes those using the roads."