A CARLISLE mum has admitted causing unnecessary suffering by "dropping her child" while drunk - and then failing seek medical treatment.

Prosecutors say the woman took her pre-school age child to a social gathering in Carlisle city centre with colleagues and while “intoxicated,” she dropped the youngster.

This left the child with a head injury, an earlier hearing was told.

During a brief hearing at the city’s crown court, the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, entered a guilty plea to the neglect charge. The offence was committed on June 11, 2022.

The charge states that the mother, being responsible for her child, exposed the youngster to “risk in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health.”

During the crown court hearing, the defendant, represented by defence barrister Kim Whittlestone, spoke only to confirm her personal details and to enter her plea.

Judge Michael Fanning told the woman: “You have pleaded guilty and you will be given appropriate credit. I can’t sentence you today as I do need more information about you and the circumstances of this case.”

The judge said he also needed to know more about the woman’s work situation and what happened on this particular occasion.

He set the sentencing date as March 22.

Earlier in the case Judge Fanning declined to make a final ruling on a press application to have the defendant identified whilst giving the child a degree of anonymity. An existing court order forbids the child's identification.

This effectively also prevents the identification of the defendant.

Judge Fanning said that the welfare of the child had to be paramount and he needed more information about the offence, including who was present, before arriving at a final decision. 

The News & Star argued that there is a strong public interest in the defendant being identified as this would send out a deterrent message about the dangers of combining childcare with drinking alcohol.

Granting the defendant bail until her next court appearance, Judge Fanning ordered a pre-sentence report, urging the woman to cooperate with the probation staff who are given the job of preparing the document.