A MAN was found with £350-worth of cocaine at his bedside when police arrived at his home to carry out a search.

Officers attended with a warrant to search the home address of Connor Hunter, 26, who was found in bed, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant had some cocaine beside him and a jar of cannabis was also found beneath the bed.

The drugs were tested which revealed there was 3.6g of cocaine with an estimated street value of £350.

Hunter was interviewed by police but gave ‘no comment’.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said: “There was full cooperation at the scene. He volunteers the drugs to the officer.

“He gave no comment throughout the interview. He was being interviewed for other matters.

“He pleads guilty at the earliest opportunity.

“He was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age. He has ben using cannabis to cope with the effects of ADHD.

“He has been using cocaine to take him out of the negative effects of cannabis. He paid about £200 for that.

“He has a longstanding issue with cannabis. He is essentially self-medicating.

“He has been out of trouble for four years. His life has stabilised.”

Hunter, of The Chestnuts, Distington, pleaded guilty to charges of possessing a Class A drug and possessing a Class B drug.

Magistrates fined the defendant £140 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £56 victim surcharge.

An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.