A FRAUDSTER who sold a woman a fake iPhone ‘panicked’ and blocked her on Facebook when she discovered she had been deceived.

Kyren Sewell, 18, sold an Android phone disguised as an iPhone to the unsuspecting victim after she had handed over £500 in cash.

Outlining the case at West Cumbria Magistrates’ Court, prosecutor Pamela Fee said the victim had received a message from the defendant who claimed to be selling a new iPhone 14.

The victim travelled to see the phone which was shown lit up and appeared to show an iPhone screen. Sewell then told her the battery was dead and put it into the box.

She handed over the money and returned home but found the phone was fake when she tried to plug it in.

The woman attempted to contact Sewell on Facebook but he didn’t respond and then blocked her.

Sewell was interviewed by police and said he was given the phone by a male called ‘Bean’. He believed it was a genuine iPhone.

He said he had ‘panicked’ and blocked the victim.

John Cooper, defending, said: “He has got ADHD and mental health issues. He has been told to move out of the family address and was staying at a friend’s house.

“He was asked to sell the phone by someone living at the house. He should have put two and two together and said, ‘why don’t you sell it yourself?’

“He gave £480 to the gentleman and kept £20 himself. He then had contact from the lady. It’s an Android phone in an iPhone case.

“He has then panicked. He should have got in contact with police himself. He didn’t want to face the consequences. If he had, we may have been able to avoid this.

“He’s clearly got some issues. It’s not something sophisticated enough he could organise himself.

“He’s just become a father. He’s going to have to up his game.”

Sewell, of Grasmere Avenue, Workington, pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation.

Magistrates imposed a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered Sewell to pay £500 in compensation to the victim. He must also pay a £26 victim surcharge.