A NORTH Carlisle man has been fined for stalking a woman over seven months, with behaviour that included “calling her constantly” and unwanted visits to her home.

Martyn Key, 51, committed the offence between February 1 last year and August 13.

The charge, read to the defendant when he appeared a t Carlisle’s Rickergate court, stated he “sent her messages and called her constantly”, and attended home and workplace “uninvited.”

“You constantly rang and messaged her family members to get into contact with her,” the charge added. The defendant, of Lansdowne Court, Carlisle pleaded guilty to the offence.

After hearing the details, magistrates imposed a £461 fine, with £85 prosecution costs and a £184 victim surcharge.

They also approved a restraining order which forbids Key from having any direct contact with the victim, or going to the street where she lives, for a year.

The sentenced was reduced because of the defendant’s guilty plea.