On April 6, 1992, after months of violence, war broke out in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ethnically rooted, it plunged Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Serbs, and Croats in the former republic of Yugoslavia into years of bitter fighting that also involved the Yugoslav army. 
Following Europe’s worst massacre since the Second World War in 1995, the war ended on December 14 when the Dayton accords were signed.

News and Star:
In Cumbria, there was a reminder of another tragedy when children from Chernobyl visited Carlisle in 1992 after the devastating nuclear disaster of 1986 which changed their lives.
They were met at the Citadel Railway Station by Roman soldiers.

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On a lighter note, Catherine Dixon is shown perched in the window of an ice cream van in Barrow in May that year.

News and Star: Four Carlisle horse riders won a place in the showjumping section of the national pony club
There was showjumping success, with four Carlisle horse riders winning places in the national Pony Club Championships.
Pictured left to right are Fiona Yarrow, Sheena Yarrow, Andrew Park and Nicky Wilson.

News and Star:
There was also generosity, with members of St Michael’s Church Junior Club in Dalston raising £225 for the Cumberland Infirmary’s elderly care unit.
Handing over the cheque to staff nurse Gillian Ward, left, and Barbara Kidd, are Naomi Baxter, Catherine Fowler, Neil Brough and Gareth Hollins, who took part in a sponsored silence.

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Much fun was had at the Blencogo and District Toddlers’ teddy bears’ picnic in August, where three-year-olds Richard Sanderson, left, of Wheyrigg, and John Blackburn of Aspatria are shown on the seesaw.

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And at Wigton Senior Welfare Club’s 35th anniversary celebration, Maurice Nicholson and Flo Studholme cut the cake.

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Pictured outside Carlisle’s new Food Giant store are staff preparing for training.

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Our final picture shows Carlisle United Youth Training Scheme (YTS) players Neil Dalton, Mark Cleeland, Rory Delap, Alan Scott, Graham Wilson, Richard Prokas and Andrew Fryer with club stalwart David Wilkes, who sadly passed away last year.