DOCTORS had to extract broken glass from an injured woman’s face after a simmering dispute between two families spilled over into violence at a Carlisle club.

The defence lawyer representing 29-year-old Amanda Watson at the city’s crown court said she injured the victim while “recklessly” attempting to throw a drink over her during an early hours bust-up at Truth on Botchergate.

Watson had earlier pleaded guilty to an offence of unlawful wounding, causing the victim grievous bodily harm.

Prosecutor Brendan Burke described what he said was a background of bad feeling that was linked to a relationship the victim's cousin had previously been in with the sister of the defendant. 

This led to a long-running dispute. "It had gone beyond the parties, and involved the wider families trading abuse on Facebook and things of that nature," said Mr Burke.

On the night of the offence, the two women had encountered each other and both times the victim had tried to speak to Watson.

After the first attempt, said Mr Burke, the victim described the defendant’s reaction to that approach as being a “cold, dead-eyed stare” before walking away. Shortly before 4am, the two encountered each other again at Truth.

The victim made a second attempt to start a conversation with Watson, joining her in a booth where she was sitting.  A friend who was with the victim could not hear what was said but sensed rising tension, said Mr Burke.

She suggested the woman trying to talk to Watson should leave. But at that point, she saw Watson push the victim and then pick up her glass and “swing it" towards her friend's face. 

During an exchange with Judge Nicholas Barker, it was accepted that Watson’s assault was “reckless”, she having injured the other woman while trying to throw her drink at her. 

But the glass shattered.

The victim was taken to hospital, where doctors removed a shard of glass from one of her wounds - a 1cm cut to her cheek and a 1.5cm cut to her head near to her hairline.

When the defendant was shown a photo of the injuries she had caused, she commented: “Oh my God.”

In a victim statement, the woman spoke of how her injuries made her feel self-conscious and how after the attack she continued to find shards of glass in her hair.

Her family were also left feeling anxious about her going out. The court heard that Watson was a woman of previous good character.

Andrew Gurney, defending, suggested that there had been a “level of provocation” – a point rejected by the judge.

The lawyer pointed out that the victim had twice approached Watson, saying: “I am instructed that she had a drink thrown at her and she intended to throw her drink back.

"As per her interview, in the throwing motion, the drinking glass collided with her face; she accepts she was reckless in doing so. It was out of character.”

A hard-working young woman, employed as a shop assistant, the defendant was remorseful, added Mr Gurney.

Judge Nicholas Barker said the victim had suffered an unpleasant injury.

He told Watson: “We can only conclude that alcohol played its part. This was just a wild swinging of a glass with intent to pour liquid over her. It was highly a dangerous and highly reckless act… I don’t accept that there was provocation in this case.”

Judge Barker imposed a six-month jail term, suspended for 18 months. The sentence incudes 15 rehabilitation activity days and 120 hours of unpaid work. Watson must pay her victim compensation of £500 at a rate of £50 per month.

Noting references to the defendant’s issues with mental health, the judge said the sentence will include a six-month mental health treatment requirement.