A number of baby jackets have been knitted by anonymous Brampton volunteers. 

The jackets, which will be sent to Africa by Folkstone-based charity Operation Sunshine, have been created by the unknown charity craftspersons from the local village. 

Kathleen and Alison from Half Moon Health Food shop in Brampton have been distributing paper copies of the popular knitting pattern to anyone who wants to try their hand at knitting the jackets for the charity which sends the goods twice a year.

Half Moon also serves as a collection hub for finished items.

Following the donations, Jean Warnes one of the organisers of the project, praised the anonymous volunteers. 

She said: "I don't know who is knitting them. People just hand them into Half Moon. 

"The jackets are lovely,  all bright colours and beautifully knitted, but the most wonderful thing of all is that people aren't wanting praise & recognition, they just want to help people in need.

"It cheers me up every time I call into Half Moon and they say 'We have some knitting for you'. It is just amazing."