Barry Cullen, a passionate walker and avid supporter of Caritas Care, raised £1,500 for the charity in an arduous 40-mile walk from Keswick to Barrow - and he's about to do it again.

Aged 50, Barry was adopted through Caritas Care when he was just four months old.

He embarked on the Keswick to Barrow (K2B) walk in 2023, a sponsored walking and running event amid the picturesque scenery of the Lake District.

Barry relayed his early life, saying: "I was brought up in a loving and work-oriented family.

"My experience was very positive and I am a true advocate for adoption. My aim is to raise awareness and funds for Caritas Care as the work they do in finding loving families for children who are waiting for adoption is something that is very close to my heart.”

Although currently living in the South, Barry, who grew up in the North West near the Lake District, has completed the taxing walk eight times.

In 2023, he managed the trail in 7 hours and 53 minutes, marking a personal best.

Evidently thrilled at having raised a significant sum, Mr Cullen said: "I am delighted to have raised so much for a charity that I believe in.

"I am incredibly grateful to Caritas Care for all they did for me."

This year, Caritas Care reaches 90 years of service as both a charity and an adoption agency, an occasion that Mr Cullen intends to commemorate.

Unlike previous years, he won't be hitting the trail alone.

A team from Caritas Care has risen to his ambitious challenge, each participant seeking to raise £90 to mark 90 years of existence.

The event comes up on May 11, with an expected team of 12 people.

Caritas Care CEO, Susan Swarbrick, said: "We can’t thank Barry enough for his generosity and support for our charity.

"It’s heart-warming to hear a story like Barry’s and know that we have made such a huge impact on his life.

"It’s people like Barry who really make a difference to the work we do and we are delighted to be joining him on this epic journey to celebrate our 90th anniversary as a charity committed to finding families for children through adoption.”

Mr Cullen says he is delighted to have "inspired" members of Caritas Care to join him on the walk.

He said: "I believe that the work they do makes a positive impact on children’s lives and builds brighter futures, just as it has done for me.

"The Keswick to Barrow Walk is a physical challenge but if we can help one child or young person or encourage one family to adopt, then we have succeeded."

Currently, there are about 2,110 children awaiting permanent families, with some waiting for as long as 18 months.

Caritas Care is constantly trying to find as many families as possible to reduce this number.

Those willing to support the cause through donations can do so through the Keswick to Barrow website.

Updates of Caritas Care’s Keswick to Barrow Walk can be found on social media.

For those interested in adoption, they can contact Caritas Care on 0800 652 6955 or visit