A THUG who used a knife to attack a man he had earlier been fighting with in a Workington street has been jailed.

Roland Tallentire, 41, was locked up after he pleaded guilty at Carlisle Crown Court to a wounding offence, causing his victim grievous bodily harm.

He carried out the terrifying attack on November 10 last year in Workington. He also admitted an allegation that he unlawfully had a knife in a public place with no lawful excuse.

The court heard that the background to the attack included a report that Tallentire had been seen fighting with another man in the town's West View Walk and then again near to St Mary’s Church.

One witness who saw what was happening later reported that he heard the defendant tell the man who he was having the confrontation with: “I’ll stab you.”

He then went into the home of a relative, grabbed a knife, and went back out on to the street. Having armed himself, Tallentire was able to track down the man he had fought with and attack him, using the knife with the knife.

He slashed the victim's face and head with the blade.

The terrified victim was seriously injured, suffering several deep cuts to the head and face.

When police caught up with Tallentire, he claimed that it was the other man who had attacked him first. Yet the defendant, who had minor injuries, was found to have no serious knife injuries that could back up his story.

When he was formally interviewed, he refused to answer questions, but he finally admitted responsibility when he pleaded guilty at court.

Recorder Julian Shaw jailed Tallentire for 31 months. After the hearing, Detective Constable Ben Wright, who worked on the investigation, said: “Any attack involving a knife has the potential to end in tragedy.

“Whilst the victim of the knife attack suffered serious injuries, both men are fortunate that this wild and frenzied attack did not result in loss of life or more serious and life-altering injuries.

“There is no justification for taking a knife onto the street and the police and courts take such an act extremely seriously.”

Tallentire, whose address was given at court as Grasmere Avenue, Workington, is likely to be released on licence when he has served half of his 31 month term.