A SHOPLIFTER who stole goods from a convenience store three days in a row couldn’t remember the offences.

Ryan Bennett, 38, entered Budgens store at Woodhouse in Whitehaven on January 15 and was seen ‘acting suspiciously’.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting at Workington Magistrates’ Court, said the defendant took hats, gloves and Lucozade, worth a total of £23.20 and then left without making payment.

Bennett returned to the store the following day and stole four cans of Thatchers cider, to the value of £5.50. He returned again on January 17 and stole another four cans of Thatchers cider.

Ms Fee said the offences were all caught on CCTV.

Bennett, of Bowness Road, Whitehaven, admitted three charges of theft from a shop.

David Martin, defending, said: “He can’t really remember what happened on these occasions due to the effects of medications he was taking at the time.

“He doesn’t challenge the prosecution. He pleads guilty at the first opportunity.

“He accepts it’s wrong and it shouldn’t have happened. It certainly won’t happen again.”

Bennett was ordered to pay £34.20 in compensation to Budgens. He must also pay £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge.