YOUNGSTERS who are tackling environmental issues at school and in the community want to create a permanent eco-hub.

The Eco-Warrior Council at St Herbert’s C of E Primary School in Keswick was formed last term to promote and engage pupils in environmental and sustainable good practice.

The ‘enthusiastic’ and ‘knowledgeable’ group of Year Six pupils meet regularly with teacher Mrs Lake to discuss ideas, form action plans and then implement them across school.

They are supported by Joe and Elle from Sustainable Keswick, who frequently join meetings and provide inspiration and encouragement.

So far this school year the warriors have created a school information display board, delivered a whole school assembly, coached pupils how to use the recycling bins at lunchtimes, created a survey of school grounds to identify areas in need of tree planting and hedgehog gateways and have been successful in the application for a Keswick Town Council bid for money to purchase litter picking equipment.

Over the next term they hope that each class will be out and about in Keswick, litter picking and improving surroundings and at the end of March they are meeting members of Sustainable Keswick at Elizabeth Wood to learn more about tree planting.

They then aim to apply to the Woodland Trust for a donation of trees as part of their schools and communities initiative.

By the end of February they are aiming to make a short video about being an eco-warrior and their hopes for the future. This will be entered into a competition supported by Ikea, to win furniture and resources to create a more permanent eco-hub at St Herbert’s for all pupils to use.

Michael Craig, head teacher, said: “I am very proud of our committed eco-warriors because they want to make the biggest difference to the world we live, not just for Keswick but beyond.”