A TENANT feared she would be murdered by her landlord who made a chilling post on social media about killing people and needing his home back.

Landlord Dam McAdam, 54, was in a dispute with the two tenants of his Workington property when he posted the disturbing Facebook message on Christmas Day, 2022.

In the post, McAdam said he had called 999 on himself ‘so two people could live’. He said he didn’t want to answer to God about killing people but needed his home back.

News and Star: The Facebook post by Dam McAdamThe Facebook post by Dam McAdam (Image: Facebook)

Prosecutor Pamela Fee said the victim was made aware of the Facebook post by her daughter and believed it was aimed at herself and her partner.

The victims had a fixed term tenancy which had been agreed with McAdam, Workington Magistrates’ Court was told.

A victim impact statement read to the court said the incident had been ‘very distressing’ and ‘traumatic’ for the woman, who believed she’d had ‘a very close brush with death’.

The victim said: “I was a complete wreck. I fully believed he wanted to murder us. I fully believe he is capable of doing this.

“It was terrifying. I live with the very real threat of being murdered by the defendant or one of his vigilantes.

“I worry about [my partner] or my grandson being killed. I suffer from flashbacks of that day.

“I go into panic if anyone goes past my home and looks in. I will never be the fun-loving, care-free, confident person I was.

“Never when I signed a tenancy to live in my dream home did I believe my life would change the way it has.”

Ms Fee said the impact on the victim was ‘significant’ and there was substantial distress caused.

During police interview, McAdam said he had no intention to carry out the threats. He said he didn’t want to harm anybody and wasn’t in a physical state to do so.

John Cooper, defending, said: “Mr McAdam was told this was all dropped. He sat in police interview and said ‘I have said that, I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have said it’.

“There was a full admission. He accepts he sent the message. It ticks every box of an out of court disposal.

“We have found out this matter has gone through a CPS appeal procedure. It’s been appealed by the victim in the case.

“I’m not aware there’s been any further issues.”

The court was told that McAdam is disabled and had to sell his flat to pay off debts. His plan was to move back into the house but the tenants had ‘refused to leave’.

Mr Cooper said: “That house is what all of this is about. It’s a four-bed house. It’s a big house. It’s described as a dream house.

“Stupidly, he has posted this Facebook message online. He is now living in council accommodation. He is in no fit state to hurt anyone.

“It’s a dispute over a tenancy agreement. It’s still ongoing. They are still living in his property and are refusing to give it up.”

McAdam, of John Street, Workington, admitted sending a Facebook post that was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character.

Passing sentence, Sarah Bradbury, lead magistrate, said they did not agree with the prosecution’s categorisation of the offence.

McAdam was fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

A two-year restraining order was imposed which bans the defendant from contacting the two victims, except through a solicitor.