A WAR veteran and charity fundraiser has sent his wishes to King Charles.

This week it was announced that the King had been diagnosed with cancer, news which has shocked the nation. 

Mark Harding, of Wigton, served time in Afghanistan where he was injured after being shot in the neck. 

This injury left him severely disabled, but he now dedicates his time to taking part in fundraising events to support causes close to his heart. 

Mark has been recognised for his charitable efforts and on occasion has been given the chance to meet King Charles who was then Prince of Wales. 

He said: "It's a lot to take in, it's only been a short time since the Queen passed away, and with hearing that you just massively worry, I'm lost for words. 

"I think the country will just gather around him like when they did when the Queen was ill, the country just rallies together to support the Royal Family. 

"It was great to meet him, he was down to earth and made an effort to chat with me and everyone else at the event in London, he seemed very interested."