A NORTH Cumbrian woman was the victim of a man’s violence and his coercive and controlling behaviour over five months last year, a court heard.

Liam Swayne, 32,  admitted eight offences against the woman – including an actual bodily harm assault - when he appeared via a prison video link before Carlisle Crown Court.  

The controlling behaviour charge stated that this happened between April 5 last year and August 23.

It included him “restricting her access to friends and family” and isolating her.

Swayne also threatened to kill himself and used or threatened violence against the victim. The assault happened on July 20 last year.

Swayne also admitted two counts of causing criminal damage to the woman’s phone and to some of her household items; and he pleaded guilty to threatening the same woman with a knife in a private place on July 20 last year.

The other offences included threats which were intended to cause the woman distress. The prosecution accepted his not guilty pleas to a common assault offence and an allegation of falsely imprisoning the same woman on November 28 last year.

Defence lawyer Andrew Gurney asked for the case to be adjourned so that a background report and a psychiatric report can be prepared before sentence is passed.

Recorder Julian Shaw ordered those reports and set the sentencing date as April 1. In the meantime, the defendant, of Woodfield Road, Blackpool, will be remanded in custody.