DPFCC Mike Johnson spent an evening out on patrol with PC Ian Stephenson to hear more about the crime concerns in Appleby.

These included drug-related crime and anti-social driving.

During the visit, the DPFCC and PC walked the town centre and outlying areas to hear more about the work being done to tackle local concerns.

Speaking on the visit, DPFCC Mike Johnson, said: “I visited Appleby this week to meet with a local officer to hear more about current crime concerns and what the Constabulary are doing to tackle these issues.

“PC Ian Stephenson provided a thorough briefing around young drivers committing anti-social driving in a local car park, spoke about past issues related to drugs, and highlighted a recent warrant where drug dealers were caught red-handed in a nearby residence.

“Local Policing is all about tackling the crimes that can most affect residents, so I’m pleased to see the Constabulary continuously prioritising their concerns.

“I would encourage the public to continue to report ASB and other issues around crime to the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Together we can keep Cumbria safe.”