A WORKINGTON resident has voiced concern about the potential health effects of mould in her housing association home. 

Debbie Towers, who currently lives at a property in Moorclose, is concerned about the condition of her house which is provided to her by Castle and Coasts.

The housing association said it has worked intensively with Ms Towers to resolve the issue.

Ms Towers has raised issues about mould in the property and problems which are affecting the kitchen floor. 

Debbie also has a baby daughter, and she explains that she is worried that the condition of the house may be affecting her daughter's health. 

News and Star: Damage to the kitchen floor Damage to the kitchen floor (Image: Supplied)

Ms Towers said: "My baby is 17 months old. She woke up chesty as the house is cold.. [I] am in debt with my gas and it's affecting my health around the area where I am living. 

"My mental health is getting worse living here. They're saying I can only do a manual exchange and not a move on Cumbria Choice Base Lettings.

"They said before I had my daughter, I could move but downsize. Then I had my daughter and they put a stop to it. The area isn't a nice place, and I don't want my daughter growing up in this place either."

Anna Bates, head of Housing at Castles and Coasts Housing Association, said: “We always strive to offer the best possible service to our residents, and the health and wellbeing of residents is a priority for us.

News and Star: Mould in the kitchen Mould in the kitchen (Image: Supplied)

“A number of colleagues have worked intensively with Ms Towers to address issues within her home.

"We’ve carried out a number of repairs, including organising replacement cabinets and treatment of mould in the kitchen caused by a leak, in addition to wider improvements as part of our planned investment programme.

"We’ve continued to liaise with Ms Towers for ongoing repairs issues with a view to resolving these as soon as we can.

News and Star: Mould on the carpet in the house Mould on the carpet in the house (Image: Supplied)

“We’ve fully explained the process involved in applying for a home with a housing association and we really want to support Ms Towers to find a home in the area she wishes to relocate to.

"Colleagues have worked with her to explore various housing options that are available and will continue to liaise with her, assisting where possible, to try and find a solution.”