A new logo has been created for a community action group in Cumbria just as its bid for a speed limit saw success.

Castletown Community Action Group, which raises issues affecting residents of the titular Penrith area, said its logo reinforces its green agenda and has also launched a dedicated Facebook page.

News and Star: New logo for the groupNew logo for the group (Image: CCAG)

This, they said, comes along with the success of having the area’s 20mph speed limit application supported by Penrith Town Council.

Castletown is among one of the first areas to be considered for the 20mph speed limit under Westmorland and Furness Council’s new application process.

The council introduced a new system to make it easier for local communities to apply for such limits.

The speed of traffic is among many issues the group believes affect residents in Penrith, such as noise and odour pollution.

A spokesperson from the group said: “We made a representation to the town council’s planning committee telling them we want to be consulted on matters relating to, and affecting, Castletown, and that we want a 20mph speed limit across the area.”

The group said it intends to give the same message to the higher-up Westmorland and Furness Council’s planning body and the police.

The spokesperson added: “Our aims are making Castletown cleaner, safer, and healthier, which means addressing early identified issues such as industrial pollution and road safety.”

READ MORE: Community action group formed to voice residents' environmental concerns