THE Labour Party are still set to win all of the seats in North and West Cumbria according to the latest set of polling data.​

Labour have moved ahead of the Conservative Party in the polls over the course of the year and are on track for a substantial majority in the commons if a general election were held today according to online analyst ‘Election Maps UK’.

The latest projection would see Labour win the new seats of Carlisle, Penrith and the Solway and Whitehaven and Workington following boundary changes in Cumbria.

Labour are comfortably ahead in the polls and the latest figures suggest the party could win by a 1997 style landslide.

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Labour haven’t won in Carlisle since 2010 and haven’t won a general election in almost 20 years and Labour candidate, Julie Minns said she recognised the ‘challenge’ that lies ahead.

The poll would see Labour win 443 out of 650 seats in the House of Commons with a majority of 236. over the Conservatives