JANUARY marks the eighth month of construction of Carlisle's Southern Link Road as the development continues to progress. 

Cumberland Council commenced the £212 million project in June last year, in partnership with Galliford Try Infrastructure and local contractors. 

The plans are for an 8km road that will include four new roundabouts, five cycle bridges, four road bridges and a cycle path along the northern side along its full length.

The route will include bridges over two main railway lines and the Caldew and Petteril rivers.

The road will connect Junction 42 of the M6 with the A595 at Newby West - helping deliver 10,000 new homes to St Cuthbert's Garden Village. 

The collaborative project has reported significant developments over December despite the scaled-down earthworks due to the winter period. 

In December,  the project saw the installation of stone foundations for the new roundabout near Brisco and the link road at Durdar, the completion of the main sections of the flood relief culvert near the Caldew, and the installment of the steel beams on the Peastree Farm bridge.

In addition, sheet piling for the new Caldew Crossing has also been done.

News and Star: Progress on the Caldew embankment flood relief culvertsProgress on the Caldew embankment flood relief culverts (Image: Cumberland Council)

Over January, the project saw the closure of Peter Lane to facilitate the installment of new concrete box culverts for Fairy Beck. 

Other tasks included the construction of the reinforced concrete piers and abutments for the new Caldew Crossing, the casting of the concrete deck on the Peastree Farm accommodation bridge, and beginning the construction of the piers for the West Coast Main Line bridge.

More large steel beams were also brought on-site for the Durdar road bridge. 

The project not only aims to enhance the local road infrastructure but also seeks to foster social contribution.

News and Star: Stoneraise Primary School visit CSLR siteStoneraise Primary School visit CSLR site (Image: Cumberland Council)

The council stated its commitment to adding social value back into the community as the project continues. 

As such, their January agenda included attending the 10th Annual Carlisle Skills Fair hosted by John Stevenson MP, interacting with the youth at Carlisle Library, welcoming candidates into their Inspira programme, and initiating a 'Dream Placement' with the Centre for Leadership and Performance for three students.