A man from Cumbria is embarking on a monumental challenge in 2024, as he aims to climb all 214 Wainwright summits. 

Carlos Reina Silvestre is taking on the mammoth journey to raise money for two local charities; Hospice at Home West Cumbria and Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team.

Carlos, who has already completed nine summits despite the recent weather, is also planning to document his journey to help grow his photography business.

He said: "Nine down, 205 to go. I was hoping to have about 15 completed by now but with work and weather, it's been a real challenge. This challenge isn't just about reaching the peaks; it's about overcoming obstacles and balancing these climbs while I am still growing my photography business."

Carlos always planned to do something for charity but originally considered a 24-hour cycle ride, and the idea of completing all the Wainwrights came 'completely out of the blue.'

He added: "I don't know where the idea came from, it came completely out of the blue. Walking the Wainwrights is always something I'd thought about but doing them all was a new idea. I think the world record is five-and-a-half days but I'm not that crazy and I'm not that fit. The current plan is 40 walks, which is around 700km and four times climbing Mount Everest."

News and Star: Carlos hoped to have completed 15 by now, but has been setback by the recent stormy weatherCarlos hoped to have completed 15 by now, but has been setback by the recent stormy weather (Image: Supplied)

Carlos wants to split any funds raised equally between the two charities, with a total of £4280 his target.

He added: "By the end, I'll either be the fittest person in Cumbria, or in a wheelchair. It's one of them. The idea was to raise money for the area, which has adopted me in a way. I've worked for Hospice at Home in the past and I know how great they are, but I also wanted to raise money for the Wasdale Mountain Rescue volunteers for the amazing job they do risking their lives every day. They are two charities who are really helping people in Cumbria.

So far, Carlos has raised £193 of his £4280 target. You can donate here, and follow his progress on his Facebook page here.