Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland is calling on swimmers to take a dip in Windermere for charity.

Between June 7 and 9, the organisation hopes to have 7,500 participants in the Great North Swim, with each swimming a mile to raise funds for the charity.

The popularity of open water swimming is on the rise with growing research highlighting its physical and mental benefits.

Hospice at Home fundraiser and avid swimmer, Jenny Urwin, said: "We are really excited to have the Great North Swim on our 2024 events list.

"I have been open water swimming for many years and I always say how mindful swimming in nature can be.

"Coupled with the goal of raising money for the charity, to help those in our community, we hope that our swimmers will find this challenge a meaningful and fun experience."

Each place in the swim costs £30 and participants are urged to raise a further £150 for Hospice at Home.

The organisation will provide fundraising information packs and charity t-shirts.

To participate or for enquiries, contact the Fundraising Office on 01768 210719 or email Ms Urwin at fundraising@hospiceathome.co.uk.