The MP for Penrith and the Border Dr Neil Hudson MP has said that the UK should use its foreign diplomacy powers to advocate for marine mammals in fisheries and trade negotiations with our international partners. 

Dr Neil Hudson MP stressed this point during a session of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee where he quizzed the Fisheries Minister on Fisheries Negotiations between the UK and its coastal partners.  

 Dr Neil Hudson MP said: “Our seas are brilliant bastions of wildlife, food and energy – and we rightly lead the world with our high ecological standards.  

“Now with our reinvigorated diplomatic powers, I am confident we can push forward with our valued international partners and see not just UK, but global waters thrive. 

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“As a passionate advocate for marine mammals, I was keen to shining a spotlight on the whaling issue and marine mammal bycatch that still persists in the  world’s waters and I look forward to resultant Government action.”  

Dr Hudson has said there is no 'humane' way to kill whales and that the 'abhorrent' practice of whaling should be stopped