A Cumbrian school is celebrating after receiving a significant donation to improve its outdoor space. 

St. Michael’s Nursery and Infant School, located in Workington, has been awarded a £5,000 donation from Persimmon after successfully applying to the housebuilder’s community champions initiative.

The community champions scheme was launched in 2015 and has seen Persimmon donate over £1.35m to over 1,400 charities, sports clubs and local community groups across the country.

The scheme is open to all local charities, schools and community groups looking for funding, with winners receiving between £1,000 and £6,000.

Teachers and pupils from the school welcomed Persimmon Lancashire managing director Anthony Mansfield and local ward councillor Barbara Cannon to formally receive the donation. 

The donation has been used to improve the school's outdoor space, creating a safer and more captivating area for pupils to enjoy.

Spending more time in outdoor learning areas can help boost a child’s physical and mental well-being, which this project hopes to achieve.

Mrs Candice Regan, headteacher at St. Michael’s Nursery and Infant School said:  "On behalf of us all here at St Michael's, we would like to thank Persimmon for the incredibly generous donation that has enabled us to make much needed improvements to the outdoor space for our children."

Councillor for St Michaels Workington, Barbara Cannon, added: "It is great to see local businesses, such as Persimmon, investing in local schools to support young people in Workington.

"I had the opportunity to visit the school recently and see the brilliant improvements that have been made to the outdoor space. I am sure it will have a positive impact."

Each of Persimmon's 29 local operating businesses donates £6,000 every three months to local organisations.

Anthony Mansfield, managing director at Persimmon Lancashire, said: "It was great to visit the team and St. Michael’s Nursery and Infant School and see their new outdoor play area.

"At Persimmon, we’re committed to supporting communities and leaving a positive impact in the areas in which we operate.

"We hope pupils of St. Michael’s Nursery and Infant School enjoy the new outdoor play area for years to come."