CUMBERLAND Council has unveiled how it aims to improve residents' health and well-being.

Members of the council's executive committee accepted the draft copies of the Council Plan Delivery Plan and the Performance Management Framework documents.

Members met for a meeting on Thursday (January 11) at Allerdale House in Workington where the documents were discussed.

The delivery plan covers areas such as: addressing inequalities; local economies that work for local people; environmental resilience and climate emergency; and delivering excellent public services.

Councillor Bob Kelly (Millom, Labour), the portfolio holder for Cumberland policy and regulatory services, introduced the report and said it built up on the work which had already been carried out by the council and it brought together 'previous legacy things'.

He added: "There is a lot of work that still has to be done".

Councillor Mark Fryer (St Johns and Great Clifton, Labour), the leader of the council, said that, while the key activities might just be 'lines on a piece of paper', they could have a real impact on people's lives.

He said: "Putting health and well-being is at the heart of everything we do."

He said that the council's initiatives, such as a new family hub in Workington, were a 'significant step forward for us'.

He added: "While it's a line on a piece of paper it can have a significant impact on our communities."

Councillor Lisa Brown (Currock, Labour, the council's deputy leader and portfolio holder for governance and thriving communities, said that the work had gone a long way and would help "those sitting at home thinking nothing will get better".

Cllr Fryer suggested that the documents be reviewed by the committee every six months and the rest of the members agreed.