A Cumbrian MP spoke in an urgent statement about providing support to communities during and after extreme flooding.

Penrith MP Neil Hudson spoke on January 8 in the Commons Chamber about Storm Henk, discussing support that includes the mental wellbeing of those impacted by devastating circumstances.

Cumbria is an area that is frequently hit hard with extreme flooding, and the MP said that through his work as a constituency MP as well as a member of the EFRA select committee, he has campaigned to improve access to services and support for those areas that experience flooding, both during and after the shock event. 

In parliament, he said: “I pay tribute to the Environment Agency, the emergency services, the local authorities, and volunteer workers for all they do to keep people safe at this time.  

“My honourable friend will know from us working together on the EFRA select committee our rural mental health report talked about the impact on people's mental health when you have extreme weather events and flooding, both in terms of the anxiety of worrying about being flooded and then the trauma.  

“Can my honourable friend reassure people across the country that people in communities will be supported when the blue lights leave and the waters subside?” 

Responding, Robbie Moore MP, parliamentary under-secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs, said: “I absolutely can and I remember when I was a member of the environment, food and rural affairs select committee we did a lot of work in producing that report it was very worthwhile working with yourself and others on that committee.  

“It is absolutely vital that the government not only pays close attention to the immediate impacts of flooding that are caused, but also provides that reassurance to homeowners, to businesses, to our farming community that have been impacted by flooding, that we also pay attention to the negative implications such as for health and wellbeing and I am absolutely keen to make sure that we deliver on the recommendations of that report.”