A CUMBRIAN film enthusiast has interviewed an internationally acclaimed screenwriter.

Paul Donaldson of Carlisle Cult Cinema Club had the opportunity to speak with Bennett Yellin.

Whilst he might not be a household name, his influence most certainly is. 

Yellin was the screenwriter for the 90s comedy classic Dumb and Dumber. 

He has also been involved with other movies including Joy Ride 2, Dumb and Dumber To, and Stuck on You. 

Discussing his interview with the Hollywood screenwriter Paul said: "He was a really nice guy and very funny. 

"We spoke for around two hours, talking about Dumb and Dumber and also his earlier work. 

"We had a talk about how he met the Farley brothers who he co-wrote the Dumb and Dumber script and also how the script managed to get into the hands of Eddie Murphy."

Paul has developed his own podcast which can be listened to audibly and is also available on YouTube. 

He has interviewed a number of Hollywood personalities over recent months and hopes it will begin to grow in popularity.