The upcoming 10th Anniversary Carlisle Skills Fair is set to be the largest in a decade.

Set for January 25, from 2pm to 6.30pm at Carlisle College, the fair boasts more than 70 local employers and education, training, and skills providers.

Dubbed the grandest meeting of Carlisle area employers and providers since the inception of the fair, this year is predicted to be a huge success.

John Stevenson MP, the host for the event, spoke on the importance of the fair.

He said: “The clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve often turns thoughts to a fresh start and a time for change in the year ahead.

"For some this may be the first steps on a career path, with a training course or an apprenticeship programme. For others it may be a change of workplace or a change of job and for some it may be the first steps to returning to work following a career break.

"I would encourage anyone who is interested in new opportunities in the local area, to attend to find out more.”