SELLAFIELD has reported that they have become a founding patron of Warrington Youth Zone. 

This is part of Sellafield's social impact, multiplied programme (SiX).

They explain that the Warrington-based centre 'provides thousands of young people, with a place to go, something to do', and someone to talk to and is open every day of the year.

The arts coordinator at the centre said: "Thanks to founding patrons like Sellafield Ltd, we are able to offer a whole range of activities for young people in our area, from arts to sports, and from regular activities to one-off events.

"Without founding patrons, we wouldn’t be able to survive as an organisation.

"It isn’t just funding; Sellafield also supports our employability programme that aims to support young people with career opportunities and pathways to get into work.

"They also support our mentoring programme, matching volunteers from their employees with young people who might need a little bit more support.

"There are so many ways that they’ve had a positive impact on our organisation, probably even more than they know."