A PROLIFIC shoplifter has been banned from stores in three west Cumbrian towns following a number of recent thefts.

Jody Barnes, 29, has been given a criminal behaviour order which prevents her from entering any shop which is a member of the Shopwatch scheme in Whitehaven, Workington and Maryport.

Barnes had entered Tesco in Whitehaven on November 22 and stole a number of different products including alcohol, razor blades, a ham salad and Dr Pepper. She was identified from the CCTV footage, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, made an application for the criminal behaviour order to be put in place after the court heard that Barnes’ behaviour was ‘escalating’ and she had carried out a number of thefts.

The criminal behaviour order has a minimum term of two years.

Barnes, of Peter Street, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty to theft from a shop and admitted two breaches of a community order.

John Cooper, defending, said: “At the moment, she’s in the Peter Street hostel in Whitehaven. It’s 24-hour supported accommodation, monitored by cameras, which helps police when detecting crime.

“A significant sentence would mean she would lose that accommodation.”

Mr Cooper said if the criminal behaviour order prevents Barnes from shoplifting for two years, it will have been a ‘roaring success’.

A probation officer said Barnes had been subject to post-sentence supervision and two community orders when the latest theft had taken place.

She had breached both of the community orders for failing to attend appointments. Since the breaches, she had been engaging with Recovery Steps and the Women Out West centre.

Magistrates granted the two-year criminal behaviour order. Barnes was warned that her sentence would be increased and she could face custody if she does not comply with the order.

The defendant’s existing community orders were revoked and a new order was imposed with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a drug rehabilitation activity requirement.

Barnes must pay £75 in compensation to Tesco for the goods that were not recovered. No order was made for costs due to the defendant’s outstanding fines account.