A MUCH loved Northumbrian tree may 'live on' as cuttings collected by the National Trust show signs of growth.

Following the illegal felling of the much-loved 200-year-old Sycamore Gap tree in September, the National Trust has  said that the seeds and cuttings taken from the fallen tree are showing positive signs of being viable to grow.

The national trust has said that original tree may regrow, if left undisturbed over the next few years.

People all across the world were left shocked and outraged following the illegal felling of the tree back in September.

In November, two men aged in their 30s were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and bailed. A boy, 16, and a man aged in his 60s had previously been held, following the felling of the tree.



The National Trust want to collect some of these memories and photos. Contributions could form part of an online exhibition and shape the commemoration of this special place.

People are asked to send your memories and photos to the trust at sycamoregap@nationaltrust.org.uk.