A RESIDENT of Low Harker has said their family have been 'plagued' by fly tipping, describing the situation as 'a nightmare'.

The resident, who didn't wish to be named, says they and their family have faced the issue for a 'number of years'.

Rubbish has been dumped in a lane nearby on a number of occasions, with items such as dirty nappies being left outside of their property.

The resident said: "I feel like I have been pushed from pillar to post.

"It's never stopped. When it first started they were tipping at the bottom of the lane, but now there is no room so they are just tipping [further] up."

He said the trash lying on the verges has started a vermin issue.

News and Star: The family say they have a rat problem as a result of the fly tipping.The family say they have a rat problem as a result of the fly tipping. (Image: Supplied)

"Somehow I have got to try and stop these rats from getting up. 

"It's a nightmare, there is that many rats running up and down the lane of a night time... my daughter was frightened to come out of her mobile home to come in to us.

"She was frightened to go to the shed to do the washing because there are that many rats running about.

"It's like we are living in a tip and in this day and age we shouldn't be living in a tip."

The resident said that every time they tried to tidy the rubbish up it just gets 'worse and worse', but says the rubbish has to be cleaned up due to the rat problem, saying it feels like 'there are thousands' of rats around the property.

News and Star: A number of items have been fly tipped near the propertyA number of items have been fly tipped near the property (Image: Supplied)

The resident says that the issue has been ongoing for a number of years, with nothing being done about the fly-tipping, saying 'it is past the point of being annoying'.

In a statement yesterday, a Cumberland Council spokesperson said: “Enforcement officers have attended this site yesterday and are in the process of obtaining the land owner's details as this is not council land.

"Once the land owner is identified they will be contacted to ensure clearance is carried out at their earliest opportunity.

“Evidence within the fly tipping will also be explored and followed up.

"Cumberland Council take fly tipping seriously and will always seek to bring those responsible to justice for such an offence.”