LLOYD Kia Carlisle is set to open its new Kingstown showroom to the public.

The new showroom on Grearshill Road will be officially unveiled on Saturday, December 9 following 7 months of construction and redevelopment.

Whilst these works had been taking place Lloyd Kia Carlisle had been operating using alternative premises at Lloyd AllRoad and Lloyd Used Car Centre 300 yards away from the new site.

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Sam Lloyd, managing director at Lloyd Motor Group said: “We are delighted with this major development at Kia Carlisle.

"The new facility looks fantastic and further displays our commitment to the Kia brand, which is growing from strength to strength.”

Roy Holliday, Head of Business at Lloyd Kia Carlisle added: "We are really excited to welcome customers back to our Grearshill home. The new showroom is amazing and such a huge change from the old building.

News and Star:

"I would personally like to thank all staff and customers for their patience in the last 7 months. It is always difficult to run such a big operation alongside a huge development but all staff have accepted the challenge and have shown real character in adapting to the situation."