A TOTAL 19 new homes could be built in Cumwhinton if the plans are granted planning permission.

Helen Blake has submitted a planning application for a site - which is described as semi-improved grazing land - on land at Station View, Station Road, which covers 1.30 hectares in the village.

The proposal is for a residential development and associated infrastructure including provision of a continuous footway.

It is proposed that the development will include 14 three-bedroom properties and five two-bedroom properties which will be defined as 'social, affordable or intermediate rent'.

Types of property would include: a detached bungalow; four semi-detached bungalows; five detached dormer bungalows and nine detached houses.

According to a planning statement, outline planning permission was previously given on part of the site for the erection of three dwellings in 2020.

The site is next to a number Grade-ll listed buildings and the Settle to Carlisle Railway Conservation Area.

The statement adds: "The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) explains that where a development proposal will lead to 'less than substantial harm' to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use.

"This balancing exercise is undertaken in the accompanying Planning, Design and Access Statement."

According to the glossary of the NPPF, significance is described as: “The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest.

"The interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also its setting.”

It is proposed for the surface water drainage to discharge to a wetland area/SuDS basin to the north of the proposed dwellings.

The report states: "The application is accompanied by a separate proposal seeking full permission for the associated nutrient neutrality mitigation.

"Whilst this application is submitted in outline and establishes key principles for the development of the site, it includes details of the infrastructure required to serve the proposed plots.

"The submitted plans set out fixed elements of the application such as the means of access, highway improvements to Steeles Bank concerning the provision of a continuous footway and a priority-controlled give-way for eastbound vehicular traffic, the layout of the site including diversion of a footpath, meadow grassland amenity space, and the structural planting of standard trees.

"It is evident that the proposal will not result in any direct or physical impact whatsoever on the historic fabric of the listed buildings.

"In addition, the proposed development of the application site would not result in any change to the important inter-relationship between the listed buildings.

"The proposed development will also not materially block, to any noticeable degree, views of the neighbouring land from these properties.

"It is recognised that the proposal will alter the appearance of the area, but the overall visual effects would be limited and very localised.

"The characteristic features of the listed buildings are retained and any views from the railway line would be fleeting and set within the backdrop of the existing development that has taken place.

"On this basis, it is considered that the harm caused by the proposal to the listed buildings and SCRCA would be neutral/less than substantial leaving significance undiminished."

The matter is currently being considered by planning officers at Cumberland Council.