ENNERDALE Brewery have taken home the best overall business award at 'England's Business Awards' show, following their success at the regional level.

The brewery won the best overall business at the Cumbrian final of 'England's Business Awards' in October, before they advanced to the national grand finals in Birmingham where they clinched the best overall business in England. 

Bar and restaurant manager, David Pettit and head chef, Gemma Scott attended the show in Birmingham on behalf of the business. The event was held in a conference room with over 700 people from businesses across the country. 

David said: "We were over the moon, shocked, delighted amongst many other emotions!

"It’s between almost three years since we started doing what we’re doing now and things like this make it all worthwhile; the incredible continued support from the customers, efforts from each member of staff in all departments and unwavering support from the board of directors namely Doreen and Paul amongst others."

Due to the event being held in Birmingham, not all staff could attend, therefore David and Gemma had the duty of telling the rest of the team.

David said: "After the official photo, a group video call was first on the list.

News and Star: David and Gemma at the awards showDavid and Gemma at the awards show (Image: Ennerdale Brewery)

"It was very important to us as the award is a huge credit to the brilliance each one of these guys delivers day in and day out, followed by delivering the news to our directors, Doreen and Barrie (Roberts) and Paul (Zanacchi)."

The whole team were said to be 'thrilled, overjoyed and incredibly proud of the achievement'.

Following the recent success, David said: "It's important to us all to carry on doing what we're doing and delivering the same high standards of seasonal home cooked food, craft beers, and keeping up the outstanding levels of service our brilliant customers have come to expect and deserve throughout the upcoming festive season and beyond."