A NORTH Carlisle man has been put on the Sex Offender Register after he tried to sexually communicate with a child and facilitate a child sex offence.

Keith Fisher, 62, pleaded guilty to the two offences when he made a brief appearance before a judge at the city’s crown court.

The charges state that the age of the child he was attempting to have sexual contact with was 14.

Defence barrister Marion Weir, for Fisher, whose address was given as Scotby Close, Kingstown Road, said there should be a background report prepared before sentence is passed.

Noting that the defendant had never been in trouble before, Judge Michael Fanning granted the defendant conditional bail. Those conditions include a stipulation that Fisher must have no contact with any person who is aged under 18 and have no access to any internet enabled device.

The judge said the offences were serious and people who commit them are often sent to prison and this may well be the outcome of this case.

“Every option will be explored,” said the judge.

Judge Fanning adjourned sentence until January 4. He urged the defendant to cooperate with the Probation Service as they prepare the pre-sentence report before sentencing.

How long Fisher will remain on the Sex Offender Register will be determined by the sentence he ultimately receives.