A unique project that celebrates Cumbria’s diverse heritage by capturing personal experiences through a series of oral history workshops arrives in Wigton next week.

Called In My Shoes, a series of events featuring storytelling and performances is being held in community centres across the region aimed at inspiring people to come forward and share their stories.

The Wigton event takes place on Friday, December 8 at the town’s Bowling Club (from 10am to 1pm) and participants will be able to hear local storytellers and spoken word artists, share their own experiences and traditions and find out how to be part of the In My Shoes oral history project and record their own stories with project volunteers, who are being trained up to collect oral histories.

County-based storyteller Jessie McMeekin will be on hand to help Wigton participants understand what makes their community unique, share tales of their family traditions and reveal their own stories.

In My Shoes is an 18-month project managed by Kirkgate Arts and Heritage in Cockermouth.

The Heritage Lottery Fund has committed £98,000 to the project. A further £5,000 has come from The Francis C Scott Charitable Trust, £2,000 from Cumberland Council (from the Allerdale Festival Fund), £500 from Papcastle Recreational Fund, £250 from the Arts Society and £200 from Cockermouth Town Council. Sessions will continue throughout West Cumbria during the winter and spring months.

READ MORE: Kirkgate, Cockermouth boosted by Arts Council, England

Kirkgate General Manager Emma Heys said: "It's about giving people the opportunity to understand what their cultural heritage is.

"While we want to hear from people who were born and brought up here, who might not realise how unique certain aspects of their life are, we also want to hear stories from recent refugees, immigrants and people who have relocated.

"People are invited to come along to one of the events, celebrate what makes our communities unique and share their family traditions and stories with others."