PLANS for a proposed new slurry lagoon near Silloth, with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons, have been submitted to Cumberland Council.

The site is on land to the south of The Gales, High Laws, and the application is for full planning permission.

It is proposed that the walls are formed by earth bunds, with a floating cover to form the roof and a post and wire fence boundary.

The site covers an area of 0.01 hectares and, according to a planning statement the nearest listed building in High Laws and is more than 500m away.

According to a planning statement there are intervening agricultural fields between the two and there would be no impact on the setting of the listed building.

The statement adds: "This proposal is for a slurry lagoon as set out in the plans. The store would be constructed and lined along the sides and base.

"As with all pig, beef and dairy farms there is a requirement to have six-month storage of slurry by 2026/2027.

"As a result of this requirement there is a need for additional slurry storage facilities. There is no increase in livestock numbers as a result of this application."

The statement outlines the layout and scale of the development and states: "A 1.5 million gallon slurry lagoon to store the slurry is proposed.

"The location is central to the farmland which will allow the slurry to be spread principally via an umbilical system."

The application proposes no landscaping due to its nature and the document states: "The site is surrounded by established hedgerows which offer an element of screening.

"As set out in the plans a 1.8m fence to ensure safety, the fence is located around the base of the bunds which form the sides of the lagoon."

According to the report there is an existing small slurry tower at The Gale Farm which does not have the capacity for the required six-month slurry storage capacity that is required and a number of other sites were considered but rejected.

The report states: "The principle of the proposal is acceptable as it is located within an area where agricultural development is accepted.

“It is located a sufficient distance from the farm located central to the land farmed allowing for improved spreading capabilities using the umbilical system.

"It is considered that due to the distance that the proposal would be from the nearest dwellings that the proposal would not adversely impact on the residents.

"The proposal, although a large volume, would have a minimal impact due to the design and majority being dug into the ground with the small bund and fencing visible. Due to the above the proposal would not have a wider impact."

The report concludes that it would be the best place for the slurry lagoon and adds: "The proposal accords with the relevant planning policies."

The application is currently being considered by planning officers at the council.