IT IS hoped to turn an agricultural field in Dalston into a private equestrian arena with fencing.

Plans have been submitted to Cumberland Council for a change of use for the site at Hawksdale Farm.

The site covers a total area of 0.16 hectares, the equestrian arena would measure 20m by 40m and be surrounded all sides with suitable fencing measuring 1200mm in height.

Planning documents state: “The proposed works are to serve as ancillary accommodation to the existing farmhouse and stables for personal use only.”

It would include one 2500mm wide gateway on the south side, which would allow for easy access, and the specialist surface of the arena would consist of a geotextile membrane with a 152 mm of environmentally friendly premium standalone fibre surface, which is considered ideal for equestrian use.

According to a planning statement the proposed works will not be visible from a public road, as the site is set back behind the hedges from the main road.

It states: “Current parking arrangements are within the curtilage of the property and there are no proposals to change this.

“These works will not affect turning within the curtilage of the property. The proposal will not increase vehicular or pedestrian traffic.”

The report summarises that the proposed work would allow the applicant to tailor their land to make it more suitable for their needs and requirements.

It adds: “The arena will be for private use only and will not be used for commercial purposes.

“The works are low impact within the property boundaries and the proposal will not be able to be seen from the public highway.”

The matter is currently being assessed by planning officers at Cumberland Council.