A PLANNING officer at Cumberland Council has ruled that a proposed housing development in Brampton does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Persimmon Homes is hoping to build the development with up to 112 homes on land north of Greenfield Lane.

The decision was taken on Monday (November 27) and in the decision notice Stephen Daniel, a principal planning officer, said: "It is my opinion that the proposal would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of facts such as its size, nature or location."

He added that it was considered that the proposal was not an EIA development.

According to a planning report the site covers an area of 5.66 hectares, it is located on the northern edge of Brampton and bends around the Grade-II listed Garth House to the south west.

The report adds: "The site is bound to the north by private grounds associated with Oakwood Park Hotel, to the east by open agricultural land, several residential properties, and Dacre Road.

"In the very southern section of the site a bungalow is sited which sits outside Persimmon's ownership and beyond this is Greenfield Lane. To the west, the site is bound primarily by the A6071 and the aforementioned Garth House."

An existing public right of way runs between Dacre Road diagonally north west through the site to the A6071 and another runs next to the eastern boundary between Dacre Road and Oakwood Hotel.

The report states: "Beyond Garth House, there are no listed buildings within or adjacent to the site, nor is the site located within or adjacent to a conservation area.

"It should be noted that the site sits wholly within the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site Buffer Zone.

"There are no trees within the site boundary that are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). However, from a desktop review, we understand there are a number of trees along the Garth House boundary which are covered by Tree Preservation Orders.

"A full assessment of the potential impact on these trees will be included in the forthcoming planning application. We would also welcome the council's comment on the status of these trees as part of this pre-application advice request."

As well as the new homes the site could include public open space, structural planting and landscaping, surface water flood mitigation and attenuation and associated access.

The report states: "The site itself can be brought forward quickly for development as no major infrastructure is required to facilitate the proposals. It is understood that the construction phase will commence during the fourth quarter of 2024 and extend for approximately 48 months."