AN application for a proposed 5G telecoms installation in Carlisle has been approved.

CK Hutchison Networks (UK) submitted the planning application for a site in Langrigg Road to Cumberland Council.

It is on land to the front of Church Of Jesus Christ And Latter Day Saints and it is for a 15m slim line phase nine monopole with a wraparound cabinet at the base.

In addition, there will be three additional equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works.

The matter was decided by planning officers and it was considered that the proposal was acceptable and that the application has deemed consent.

Northern Gas Networks has no objections to the proposals but highlighted that there may be apparatus in the area that may be at risk during construction works and suggested that, should the planning application be approved, then it would require notice of any works.

Cumbria police was also contacted during the consultation process and it was considered that the nearby residential housing and overhead cables were factors.

The force added that it appeared other locations had not been considered, such as Newlaithes Avenue at junction with Langrigg Road or between Winscale Way and Dalston Road, and either would be less visually intrusive in the street scene while still being in plain sight.

A police comment states: "Following further consultation with the neighbourhood policing team, we have concurred that moving the mast to a less prominent location (eg to the rear of the church on Chances Park)
would expose it to greater risk of damage.

"Therefore, we cannot propose a change in location on the grounds disrupting the antisocial behaviour that occurs in the area."

The council’s decision notice states: "The site is located on the grass verge in between Langrigg Road and the adjacent footpath.

"The proposed 15m monopole and associated cabinets would be sited clearly within the public realm and would be seen in the context of existing street lighting poles as well as street trees on the opposite side of the road.

"The proposal area, is within a residential area and would sit in front of the Church Of Jesus Christ And Latter Day Saints which is of a modern 1970s construction.

"The proposed monopole and cabinets would be slim line and grey to assimilate with the existing street scene.

"The area, although residential, is relatively open in character and features a grass verge buffer in between the Church and the footway as well as noted grass area to the east of Newlaithes Avenue and to the south of Langrigg Road."

The report states that the proposal would also be seen in the context of similar high structures such as the tower of the nearby church.

It adds: "The height of the monopole is justified to maintain coverage. The proposal is not within proximity to any nearby street trees and would not have an impact upon any such crown development.

"Therefore, for the aforementioned reasons, the appearance of the proposed development is acceptable in terms of siting and design."