A CARLISLE film enthusiast is continuing to connect with Hollywood stars. 

Paul Donaldson of Carlisle Cult Cinema Club has recently interviewed Eddie Deezen, who has starred in several blockbuster movies. 

Paul has run a cinema club in Carlisle for some years which operates through a Facebook page. 

He uses this to post movie recommendations and cinema news, he also hosts film screenings at The Source in Denton Holme where members of the group meet to watch cult classics. 

He has since branched out and has begun his podcast and with the help of a movie industry agent has started to feature interviews with Hollywood stars. 

The latest celebrity to get involved was Eddie Deezen who has starred in films such as the smash hit musical Grease and animated Christmas classic, The Polar Express. 

In recent weeks Paul has also interviewed Larry Hankin who has starred in films such as Home Alone and also major TV shows like Friends and Breaking Bad. 

Mr Donaldson said: "The same guy who helped me to arrange the Larry Hankin interview, Steve Joiner, got in touch for me to interview Eddie Deezen. 

"He's Eddie's manager and Eddie lives with him. I had a good conversation with him, he's a lovely guy and is a massive Beatles fan. 

"We were just talking about some of the films that he's been in. I didn't speak to him for as long as I spoke to Larry but he still gave a good interview. 

"Some of the films that he's starred in include Grease, Stephen Speilberg's 1941, Polar Express, and also some smaller cult films such as Beverly Hills Vampire and Teenage Exorcist."

Paul explained that he is delighted to have the current opportunity to interview Hollywood actors, some of whom have starred in films that have meant so much to him. 

He is hoping to continue with getting the movie stars involved with his podcast and has some more already lined up. 

He says that the podcast is available to listen to on all major streaming services and is also available to watch on YouTube.