RESIDENTS in north Cumbria should not be expected to pay for their wheelie bins and waste containers, it has been claimed.

The issue will be raised next week when two members will propose a motion at the meeting of Cumberland Council.

Councillors Stephen Stoddart (Moss Bay and Moorclose, Independent Group) and Robert Betton (Botcherby, Independent Group) submitted the motion and it has included in the agenda.

Their motion states: "In the old Allerdale Borough Council area they do not charge for their garden and household waste wheel bins, green boxes and green bags regardless of whether residents need a new one, replacement, or if one has been lost or stolen.

"Council agrees to abolish the charges for garden and household waste wheel bins, green boxes and green bags across the whole Cumberland Council area."

Tuesday's (November 21) public meeting of the council is due to start at 1pm and it will be held at the Civic Centre in Carlisle.