The MP for Penrith and the Border has called for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza ‘as quickly as possible’ as the conflict continues.

Dr Neil Hudson MP stood up in Parliament to implore Ministers to continue doing all they can to make sure humanitarian aid flows freely to those in Gaza who need it most.

More than 10,000 people have now died in Gaza as following Hamas’ raid in Israel in which more than 1,000 were killed.

Speaking afterwards, Dr Neil Hudson MP, said: "The world weeps for the thousands of innocents who have been dragged into Hamas' brutal war in the Middle East.

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"I'm proud that as an outward looking progressive nation, we are focusing our efforts on a diplomatic and political solution to the conflict.

“And, while an equitable resolution is being reached, we are doing everything humanly possible to support those who are suffering with humanitarian relief.

"Our Prime Minister and his highly capable team continue to have my full support as we send food, medicine, water filters and much more to those who need it most."