Martial arts. Muay Thai kick-boxing. Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Judo. MMA mixed martial arts. Kali kick fighting: this is what Aberdeen Martial Arts Academy has to offer. They stand as a flourishing centre of martial arts brilliance within their local community, providing excellent instruction to advance personal growth and development for adults and children.

Peter Richardson stated that thirty-three years prior, “the original academy opened in 1990 by Patrick Davis as a kick-boxing and Kali group” as, weekly, he was currently travelling two and a half hours to Edinburgh to train with his coach. Later, he was granted the opportunity to start his own small group locally so he could practice martial arts without the extensive travel; this formed Aberdeen Martial Arts Group. 

After relocating around Aberdeen in places such as Tillydrone Avenue, Woodside and Justice Mill Lane, it has settled presently in Cove Bay (after being taken over be Peter and Leigh Richardson in 2010); this is to allow additional floor space in order to cater to their student’s progressing training needs to allow for a secure and comfortable training environment. The profound benefits that physical training offers for mental well-being became increasingly recognised which grew the popularity of children’s training classes.

Through this expansion, Aberdeen Martial Arts Academy are not only creating a larger training space, they are creating opportunities and training programmes for competitors, local families and the physically challenged within their community to enhance the student experience and benefits from physical training.