The Cumbria Police Rural Crime team has been running a checkpoint operation.

This happened on Friday, October 27, and focused on the eastern borders of the county. 

Dedicated patrols took part from around the county and included colleagues from the response, roads policing, and neighbourhood teams.

A spokesperson said: "In total over 30 vehicles were stopped and checked. Officers used various powers including the Poaching Prevention Act to carry out both vehicle and person searches. We also carried out consensual searches of vehicles.

"Our rural priorities include theft of agricultural and plant machinery, so if you're travelling around in/with these vehicle types you can expect us to stop you.

"We might add a little bit of time to your journey, and we appreciate your patience but we know the majority of people want us to do this.

"During the evening, one vehicle was seized under S165 and 1 person was arrested. We have submitted numerous intelligence reports which we will share with our bordering forces as some of those stopped had travelled into our County from Lancashire and County Durham.

"We also share this intelligence further afield with colleagues around the Country under Op Galileo which targets those involved in hare coursing and poaching.

"Further stops and searches were also carried out by response and road policing staff as part of their routine patrols- fighting rural crime is all of our responsibility. Proactively targeting and disrupting criminality is how we can work together to tackle rural crime."