Cumbria Police have reminded Carlisle residents to report any incidents of antisocial behavior. 

The issue is a growing problem with most parts of Cumberland being affected. 

The police have also instructed people not to report incidents on social media due to pages not being regularly monitored. 

A spokesperson from Cumbria Police said: "We would like to remind you that if there is anti-social behaviour in your area to please report it.

"Your neighbourhood policing teams are committed to reducing and targeting criminality within our community.

"Please report incidents via 101 or if it is a crime is in progress call 999. There is also an online portal on the Cumbria police website for non-emergency reports.

"Please do not report incidents on Facebook as this is not routinely monitored.

"Do not report incidents to officers' work emails or work phones. If the officer is not on duty these will not be monitored.

"We are seeing an increase in missed opportunities where vital information is not being passed to the police until it's too late.

"If it's happening in our community we want to know."