YOUTHS making residents’ lives a misery are being urged to think about their actions ahead of their town being revived with millions of pounds in funding.

A plea has been issued to youngsters in Cleator Moor who have been kicking doors and throwing food at passing cars to stop engaging in anti-social behaviour.

Police say residents ‘should not have to put up with this’ and enquiries are under way.

Michael Eldon, who represents Cleator Moor West On Cumberland Council, said: “I’d like to make an appeal for them to stop. They don’t realise the damage they are doing – not just to the property but to the mental health and wellbeing of the people they are targeting.

“It’s dangerous for themselves to be running across roads, kicking people’s doors. They are being caught on doorbell cameras and that doesn’t seem to be a deterrent anymore.

“There is lots to do in Cleator Moor. You don’t have to hang around the streets. We have got a fantastic youth group. There are sports clubs.

“Please just stop before they injure themselves or cause a crash and injure themselves. Just think about the consequences of what they are doing.”

Cleator Moor has secured a £40.9m Town Deal worth with £22.5 million coming from the Government’s Towns Fund and a further £18.4m from match funders.

Cllr Eldon fears the anti-social behaviour could jeopardise the future redevelopment of the town.

He said: “Cleator Moor has got a chance to be transformed in the next few years and this could damage it. It could put people off coming to the area.”

A police spokesperson said: “We are aware of a recent number of incidents of anti-social behaviour believed to involve children in the Cleator Moor area.

“Incidents include doors being kicked and eggs thrown at cars, which could obviously cause concern, with the vehicle incidents having the potential to cause accidents.

“We always take anti-social behaviour seriously because we know the concerns it can cause.

“Enquiries are underway and our officers will be engaging with the community, including schools, to offer reassurance and investigate.

“Residents should not have to put up with behaviour like this and we will take appropriate action where suspects are identified.

“We would ask parents to play their part by ensuring they know where their children are and stressing to them the correct way to behave in public – and the consequences of anti-social behaviour.”