Dr Neil Hudson was invited by a group of students from Brampton’s William Howard School passionate about promoting global education.

The invite was prompted by two Willian Howard pupils who have been selected as Send My Friend to School national ambassadors.

Send My Friend is a UK civil society coalition that promotes the importance of universal education to the age of 11. According to the group, 262 million children are currently out of school internationally – unable to benefit from the transformational power of education. 

As part of their campaign the pupils are undergoing a range of activities including a trip to the House of Commons, Residential Training in Stratford-upon-Avon, and a visit to a major party conference.  

Dr Neil Hudson, MP for Penrith and The Border, said: “It was heartening to see our fantastic local youngsters so passionately pushing for universal education.

"They rightly understand the importance of education in lifting communities out of poverty, reducing conflict and contributing to a healthier planet. 

The Send My Friend campaigning pupils, added: “We were very pleased when Dr Neil Hudson agreed to come into William Howard School to listen to our views and concerns about issues that we discussed at the Send My Friend to School conference, and to respond to our questions."