CARLISLE continues to act as an ever-evolving canvas with the introduction of a new street art mural in a busy thoroughfare. 

You may have walked or driven past Blank Wall Assassins' (BWA) latest eye-catching mural on Junction Street as it nears completion, draped over a house within the sights of Dixon's Chimney. 

BWA, the leading force that has continuously placed Carlisle on the worldwide street art scene, has teamed up with Portuguese artist and big wall painter 'of great pedigree', Jacqueline De Montaigne. 

Whilst unpredictable weather may have impacted the schedule of completion, it hasn't taken away from what will undoubtedly be another beautiful street mural to add to the city's growing collection. 

News and Star: Jacqueline De Montaigne adds a new vibrant mural to Carlisle's Junction StreetJacqueline De Montaigne adds a new vibrant mural to Carlisle's Junction Street (Image: Stuart Walker Photography)

Ben Heslop, one of Blank Wall Assassins’ directors, said: "We've been working with Mountelm Ltd for a few years to get the right artist and design for the building. 

"The placement always has to be for the city, rather than on the city. 

"It's finally come together with artist, Jacqueline.  She's been so keen after seeing what we've got in the city and who we've had in to paint already, she wanted to bring her talent here," he said. 

The mural, which is based of a real-life model, will feature displays of Cumbria's national flower, Grass-of-Parnassus as well as using 24-carat silver paint. 

 "It's actually a lot cheaper than you think, so don't scratch it off, it won't be worth anything," Ben laughed. 

News and Star: Up close with Jacqueline De Montaigne's artwork, near Dixon's ChimneyUp close with Jacqueline De Montaigne's artwork, near Dixon's Chimney (Image: David Mackie)

Over the past five years, Carlisle has become a kaleidoscope at every corner, bringing in global talent evident with the recent work of Atma at Tullie HouseTymon de Laat's painting of a girl from Laos on John Street and Smug's Belatucadros next to the city's historic West Gates to name a small few. 

"It's amazing to see the depths of worldwide talent that is now on this city's streets.

"We didn't start off with a plan, but we soon developed one over the last five years when we saw the reactions, the cultural interactions it can bring, the way it can galvanise the city, and the economic uplift it brings to certain areas.

"It does make me really proud the offer in the city is world-rivaling on so many levels and growing all the time," he said. 

You can visit Blank Walls' street art trail tour via their website.